Welcome to the Hemingbrough Parish Council website
Your Parish Council is committed to serving you to the best of its ability within the limited powers it holds.
To contact us or to view the latest minutes or agendas please use the menu on the left hand side.
The next meeting of Hemingbrough Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20th March 2025, all residents are welcome to attend.
Pinfold Pharmacy Closure
Unfortunately Pinfold Pharmacy will cease trading on Friday 9th February 2024 and have asked customers not to order any repeat prescriptions from Friday 2nd February.
Customers will need to arrange for their prescription to be sent to a pharmacy of their choice as soon as possible and there are three ways to do this:-
- Using the NHS app
- Contact your preferred Pharmacy directly
- Contact your doctor's surgery
The following local pharmacies all offer a free delivery service:-
Stone Pharmacy Tel: 01757 213613
Arc Pharmacy Tel: 01757 212120
Barlby Pharmacy Tel: 01757 707840
TransPennine Trains Update (15th June 2023)
/Hemingbrough-PC/UserFiles/Files/Transpennine Express Update.pdf
Hemingbrough Village Book Library
Hemingbrough village book exchange has now been installed on the village green at the junction of St Marys Avenue and School Road.
Anyone may contribute or take books, and if you take a book (or two) you do not need to return them unless you wish to do so, however in order to keep the little library well stocked if you have any books that you have already read please drop them in the exchange to share with other residents.
Selby Area Garden Waste Collection Service Consultation
Currently garden waste collections across North Yorkshire are provided as an opt-in subscription service, except in the Selby area where garden waste is collected free of charge.
It is proposed to bring all areas in the county in line and to charge £43.50 across the board for 2023/24.
A consultation to determine the level of demand for the service operating under the same harmonised subscription fee will run until 3rd April 2023
/Hemingbrough-PC/UserFiles/Files/Selby Garden Waste Collection Service Consultation Poster.pdf
Posterngate Surgery Patient Transport Update
It has been confirmed by NHS Humber & North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board that a NHS funded patient transport scheme for patients registered with Posterngate Surgery pre 1st April 2022 is NOW available for eligible patients.
This will include those patients who, at the time of the request, have a disability, mobility issue, mental health condition or financial issue which results in them not being able to use public transport.
Posterngate Surgery Practice will have responsibility for managing this and should be contacted first. When Posterngate Surgery confirms a patient is eligible for fully funded transport for a specific appointment, they will contact Selby AVS to confirm and Selby AVS will then make arrangements directly with you, the patient.
This transport arrangement has to be made 3 working days or more in advance of the medical appointment, which must take place between 8am and 4pm (Selby AVS working hours).
Following the decision to close the Posterngate branch surgery based in Hemingbrough, the Hemingbrough Parish Council working group has fought hard on your behalf for this concession for Posterngate patients deemed to be vulnerable in our community.
The Hemingbrough Parish Council working group would politely urge all those patients registered with Posterngate surgery, if you believe you meet the eligibility criteria, to apply for and use this fully funded (i.e FREE) transport service.
Selby District Council Recycling Services Changes
The way that recycling is collected in the Selby district is changing with a move to a new wheelie bin system - Please see menu tab for further information