Home >> Planning Applications/Notifications 2025
Owing to North Yorkshire Council no longer sending out neighbour notifications, the Parish Council will in future publish any planning consultations received for discussion at their next meeting.
The following planning applications will be discussed at the March Parish Council Meeting (Thursday 20th March 2025):-
(ZG2024/1225/HPA) Installation of conservation rooflights on the front and rear elevation, conversion of the garage into an office and erection of a wooden structure to the side of the garage for storage at The Hollies Barn, Main Street, Hemingbrough
(ZG2024/1013/TPO) Application for consent to remove deadwood greater than 25mm diameter over footpath to 4No Common Ash trees (T2768, T2769, T2770 & T2771), remove shrubs/understorey to 1No Common Ash tree (T2768) and 1No White Willow tree (T2773) and fell 1No Common Ash tree (T2772) covered by TPO 7/1999 at Hagg Lane Green, Hagg Lane, Hemingbrough
(ZG2024/1237/HPA) Alterations and extension to outbuilding to form domestic annex at The Chase, School Road, Hemingbrough
(ZG2024/1126/HPA) Creation of access to front patio from kitchen utilising existing window opening by replacing window with a central door with countertop window to each side at Beechdale, Main Street, Hemingbrough